Monday, August 24, 2015

Crunchy Chicken - Baked Salmon with Parmesan Herb Crust

So let's recap and see if you can remember what I like. I like chicken. I believe this is well documented. I also like crunchy stuff. And I also like to be involved in the cooking process. So this started out well. Mom said we were having salmon, which I assumed is just another kind of chicken. Turns out it is not, but we'll get to that.

This particular food needed a topping and Mom said I could help make it. Turns out that involved stirring gently, and that's just not my style. Since Mom knows I like crunch she added some panko crumbs to the crust mixture which is cool because when you "accidentally" spill these out of the bowl, you can poke them with your finger and they stick!

Mom's started to smell a little burnt as she was baking it, which I think is why it looks a little dark in this photo. Oh and we also had some rice and asparagus on the side, but that didn't make it onto the plate for the photo.

Anyway, we sit down for dinner and all of the sudden, Mom says that salmon is not a type of chicken.

I was not pleased.

Then I was shocked.
And then I finally ate some.
And so did the girl. With her fork as an accessory. She's not actually using it.

If you want to fill your family with false hope of chicken only to pull the rug out from under them, click here for the recipe.

I guess it's approved, but I'm still a little traumatized by the experience.

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