Monday, June 22, 2015

Chicken!! (Chicken Enchiladas)

Me again. And guess what? We had chicken, again!

I think Mom is starting to understand my not so subtle hints. So I got to help with this too, which is great because any time we get to put shredded cheese in something, it always gives me the opportunity to sneak a few bites when no one is looking.

Mom says the thing on the left is a "grown up beverage". I tried to stick my finger in it, but she was always watching. Anyway, after we filled the tortillas with chicken and cheese, we rolled them up and stuck them in this pan. I thought we were done and called it a day, but apparently there was this whole step that involved making a sauce and flour and green chiles, oh and for some reason Mom used Daddy's yogurt in the sauce. I asked Mom a bunch of times if she was sure that's what she wanted to do, but she kept saying yes. Geez woman, just trying to help here. 

Don't be fooled, that is the second adult beverage there on the left... not the same one. But anyway after the sauce and more cheese (ha sneaked some of that too) went on, it went into the oven, which I am NOT allowed to touch. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Sometimes when mom makes Mexican food it's too spicy for me, but this was just right. Plus, mom made them extra cheesy which is great because who doesn't like cheese?

Here's the girl sticking her finger into the sauce and licking it. See, I told Mom she didn't really know how to use a fork. Oh and that cookie on her tray, I put that there. I found it on the floor and figured she might like it. I'm a good brother like that.

Here's me, eating the chicken. Mom had to cut the enchilada apart so I could see the chicken before I agreed to eat it. I mean, I know I put them together, but how do I know someone didn't switch that stuff around while I wasn't looking?

Click here if you want to make it yourself.

Anyway, this one is Pete approved.

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